Our congregation was founded in 1994. A prerequisite for its occurrence was the active migration of Pontian Greeks from the former Soviet Union. It should be noted that the majority of the people was raised Russian Orthodox Church. After his arrival in Greece, people went to church, not knowing that, together with the canonical and noncanonical parishes there - splitting. Then, the Greek Church, drawing attention to the fact that people began to disperse and misled by dissenters, decided to create a parish, which would be the old style and partly in Old Church Slavonic language, but at the same time, would be in the jurisdiction of the Hellenic Orthodox Church. For this he was invited by Fr. Gregory Pigalle, which was charged with creating such a parish.

Initially served in the temple of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon (in its lower chapel) under the auspices of Archimandrite Procopius, who had a young community of great help. Gradually, over 10 years, the church has collected a number of parishioners, it was decided to look for land to build his temple.

The main task of the parish - to raise awareness among Russian-speaking population, which fell to the dissenters. During the five-year service, a relatively short time, when the community finally has found his church, has been done. The main thing for us was and still return to the bosom of the Orthodox Church to families who sometimes unwittingly, and by not knowing, came under the influence of dissident priests, and they christened their children. These people through preaching and explanation, we return to the right path, and their children through the anointing - in the bosom of the Orthodox Church. For us it is important to make clear to all local residents the link that connects together the entire Orthodox world. Therefore, a regular pilgrim groups from our church attend such important for every Orthodox Christian places like the Holy Land, Diveyevsky Monastery, Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra, where he could only belong to the canonical Church priests and pilgrims.

Just a regular basis, we try to bring to our church a variety of relics. Our efforts took a landmark for the two Local Churches event - the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, first visited the Greek land and thousands of Greeks had the opportunity to pray before the relics of a saint. Also, in our temple to worship the faithful were brought to the relics of St. George, St. Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon. Through these events our church attended by many people. Come and adherents of various separatist movements, many of which are realized, where lead them lzhepastyri, asking advice, assistance, clarification, assistance in returning to the canonical Church.

Our concern is also young, which we employ to actively participate in worship.

Everyone knows what a difficult situation, in which Greece was - many people have suddenly lost their jobs, their families were in a difficult situation, therefore, to the extent of our capabilities, the parish has supported them food, help in job placement.

In Greece, apart from the Greeks, is home to many immigrants from the former Soviet Union who, for various reasons found themselves in a foreign country. For them, our church is not just a place for prayer at the usual Slavic language and the charter of the Russian Orthodox Church, where the man fed spiritually. It is also a place where people can get moral support, to meet an understanding of people in this situation. Thus, the Church continues to unite people of different nationalities who minister to the spiritual, moral and material support.

Photo gallery about the construction of the Temple

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